About FirstLoveWorks
FirstLoveWorks, Inc. is a nonprofit organization founded by Ann and Tom Savastano; both are ordained ministers of the gospel and graduates of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (Master of Arts in Theological Studies, and Master of Divinity). Tom also received his Doctor of Ministry degree from United Theological Seminary (Methodist), having studied as part of the Randy Clark/Global Awakening cohort. Tom’s thesis is entitled “Revival Nurtured Through Love: An Investigation Into Sustained Revival in New England,” and he is glad to share it freely. Check out Tom and Ann’s revival blog.
FirstLoveWorks was birthed out of revival meetings in 2002-2003 we hosted in Newburyport, MA. Our ongoing goal is to provide opportunities for people to personally experience the love of God in Jesus Christ, and the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. We are interested in hosting meetings through which the gospel of Jesus Christ is proclaimed, renewal and revival is fostered, and Christians of various church backgrounds can fellowship and network together to promote the expansion of God’s kingdom. We also host arts performances in which the general public has opportunity to experience the majesty and love of God.