At Lift Up Your Heads O Gates, Chuck Pierce shared that God revealed to him in 1986 what would happen worldwide in ten-year increments. He emphasized that these next two years will be critical for our nation's future.
We know from current events that our nation is at a crossroads: will we turn and choose godliness, truth and life; or continue down a road of unrighteousness, relativism and demise? The next elections are only a part of the solution; the real answer is revival and awakening that will inspire a pursuit of God and His goodness in our nation's electorate.
Is there hope for America? The answer which came through the conference is a resounding "Yes." I was greatly encouraged and built up in faith by what was communicated so positively by Chuck throughout his presentations.
By contrast, I recently talked with a couple outside our region (not in attendance) who are very discouraged about the state of our nation. I was struck by how negative their expectations were, and how those negative attitudes dampened any sense of hope. Chuck exhorted us all to stay in faith, which nurtures hope; and cautioned that "We have to develop a new mentality of this nation succeeding."
He reminded us of God's sovereignty, encouraging us, saying, "God's been showing me all year, when things look impossible, don't limit Me . . . I am not in time, but I am the God of time, and I can intervene . . . limitations are not going to stop Me from moving."
Another quote from Chuck, part of a recurring theme, was a call to action for those present and other like-minded Christians: Â "This is a remnant God has pulled together to say, 'I am ready to build again. I'm ready to advance.'" And by the time the conference ended, we were ready too!
My hope for America and revival was greatly renewed and enlivened by Lift Up Your Heads, O Gates. The prophetic words and messages given by Chuck were incredibly encouraging, and Phil Zaldatte's talks on Saturday afternoon, which were directed to us more personally, inspired us to 'lift up the heads of the gates' of our own hearts to receive the King of glory into our midst. The worship, which Chuck said he felt when he stepped out of the car in the parking lot of the Best Western, was over the top. The praises of the worship band, led by Bob Quaderer, and of the conference attendees melded together as one; there was no division in the chorus of praise that went up. I was reminded once again of the power of worship to change the atmosphere -- both internally and regionally!
God has hope for His people! We encourage you to check out the audio messages from the conference, available on our YouTube channel HERE
For written transcripts of Chuck Pierce's messages, email
~Tom (and Ann) Savastano